Saturday, March 3, 2012

Santorum the Sanctimonious....and some other comments....

Mr. Santorum said President Kennedy makes him want to throw up.  What an elegant turn of phrase for a presidential candidate!!!  His point of view is as astounding as his ignorance.  He says our founding fathers were “Christians”.  Rather they were Deists.  Our Founding Fathers believed in God but they made it perfectly clear that no religion would be imposed on the country by government.  Mr. Santorum seems to want to negate our Constitution and impose his religiously crafted social values on the rest of us. 

President Kennedy told us that his faith was personal to him; he would never let it rule America.  True to his word, he kept his personal faith at home but he never let it govern his actions as President of Americans of all faiths.  Neither did President Regan.  Mr. Santorum on the other hand wants all of us to live his faith.  He says religion should never be kept out of government.  He waives the Constitution whenever he speaks. But has he read it?

Let’s talk about his faith.  People in Judeo/Christian based religions all preach certain verities:

Ø      Care for the sick and infirm

Ø      Care for the poor and the hungry

Ø      Treat the stranger within your gates with respect

Ø      Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

What does the current crop of Republican candidates for President as well as Mr. Santorum want to do?  They want to repeal health care.  So much for taking care of the sick and infirm.  They want to cancel unemployment insurance.  So much for caring for the poor and hungry. They want to get rid of illegal immigrants by checking every person of a different nationality even if they are legal green card residents.  So much for the stranger within our gates.

Neo-Republicans speak of smaller, less intrusive government. But they want to impose their prayers in our public schools and our public life.  You become a captive audience to some one else’s faith.  So much for freedom of religion.   They want laws that go into female wombs with vaginal probes if that woman wants something other than what they deem is good for her.  Mr. Santorum says women should have children even if they have been raped or are pregnant by incest. He questions contraception even if it is for health, not reproductive reasons.  He wants to go into our bedrooms; to know with whom we sleep.  If it is with the “wrong” sex, he wants to deny the equal rights the rest of us enjoy including serving in the Military. So much for smaller, less intrusive government.

Mr. Santorum says he wants to do away with our public school system.  He home schools his children because “our public schools are bad for children of faith.” Now, he says our President is a snob because he wants all children to be able to go to college or technical college or some form of higher education.  Mr. Santorum is the elitist.  He who has a college degree and a law degree warns others about the evils of higher education.  Is the American Dream only for him?  Worse then his denigrating education, are the people who cheer him for saying it.  He rallies those who revere ignorance.   Mr. Sanatorium would lock our intellects, our imaginations and our powers of thought up in a narrow, religiously based world.  Does book burning come next?

But perhaps Mr. Santorum’s most egregious sin is that he purveys fear.  He and his fellow candidates spout gloom and doom while hard working Americans are trying their best to work our way out of an economic recession.  Every speech is about getting rid of President Obama.  Surely America deserves Republican candidates who have a more constructive platform than hate of our highly competent black President. 

Religious tolerance started in Pennsylvania where the Quakers found freedom.  Thomas Jefferson wrote the separation of Church and State in that same place.  Pennsylvania kicked Santorum out.  The rest of us should also.

President Kennedy was a war hero.  He broke segregated schools and colleges so that people of all colors as well as backgrounds and religions could get an equal education.  President Kennedy harnessed what makes America great and took us to the moon. He preached hope and inclusiveness and tolerance for all.  Mr. Santorum isn’t fit to walk in President Kennedy’s shadow.

A few comments….

When I went through menopause (that would be past the child bearing age) the doctor proscribed birth controls pills for my health.  I was on them for years.  Does that make me a slut?  I’m a technodolt.  Were I not, I would start an on-line petition saying, “I’m a slut too”.  Come on men, you sign it too.  One wonders what would happen if legislatures outlawed Viagra for unmarried men!!!

Any judge who makes a joke about minorities, no less puts it on the internet, should be impeached.  He no longer has any judgment.  He is no longer able to judge!!!

You want to talk about voter suppression.  Did you know that in the Republican primary, the State of Virginia does not allow write in votes?  One has to vote for choices narrowed by law.

There is a massacre going on in Syria.  Where is the Arab League?  Due to religious differences the West cannot intervene.  It would be mis-labeled.  But the Arab League has no such restrictions.  Why in the 21st century is anyone who has the ability to stop it, sitting by and watching human slaughter?  We are indeed being dragged back to the dark ages.