Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Republicans run amok.....

For a few years now every Republican, local, state and national, has said they want a smaller government.  “Get the government out of our lives” is the mantra of Republicans and tea party members alike.   
Yet these self same Republicans, who want government out of our lives, want their government in our bedrooms.  They want to know with whom we sleep.  If
they do not like our choices, they are making sounds about making it illegal. Forbidding same sex marriage is only a start.  How does this square with government out of our lives.

Today the State of Virginia passed a law saying that if a woman wants an abortion, legal according to the Supreme Court of the United State, she must first go through a vaginal probe administered without her consent.  Yes, the State of Virginia requires that she be vaginally violated without her permission.  Doesn’t it sound a lot like legal rape?  If you want or need an abortion you must submit to legal rape.  How does this square with government out of our lives.

Here’s the problem.  Most abortions happen in the first trimester.  A vaginal probe in the first trimester is likely to cause an abortion.  Will the Doctors and the Administrators who are responsible be accused of murder if an abortion occurs due to the procedure?   After all, these legislators also have decided that life begins at conception. 

This abomination is against medical ethics; it is against the very freedoms for which we have fought; it is a dagger in the heart of a woman’s dignity.  Now contraception is at risk. Is the next step to circumcise women as they do in Africa and the world of Islam? 

This is much worse than hypocrisy.  It is destructive of America as we know it. These self same fascists, these right wing bigots are the same ones who want to pass ordinances against Sharia Law.  Can anyone explain the difference between Islamic subjugation of women and homosexuals and the so called “Christian” fervor that led Republicans to pass this horrific law, above mentioned.  Are our working women to be put back into purdah?

Connect the dots…..

How is the right wing taking control to pass these laws state by state?  They first pass laws that abridge the right to vote.  I have been an election inspector for over thirty years in three states.  I have never seen or heard of an example of voter fraud.  They are legislating about a problem that doesn’t exist.

These abridging laws require a government issued identification in order to vote.  If you have no drivers license or passport what is your identification?  In some right wing states a gun license is accepted.  But what if you don’t have a gun; what if you don’t drive; what if you’re too old to have any of the above?  You have to spend money to go down to the City Hall to get an identity card.  This puts government well into your life.

The fact is, if you have to get identification whether it is a car license or a gun license or issued card, you have to PAY for it.  And that, good people, constitutes a poll tax.  Having to pay to get the right to vote is defined as a poll tax.  The Supreme Court of the United States has declared the poll tax illegal.  Has this stopped any state from passing the law?  Why not?

Watch the progression….

These Republican States limit the right to vote.  They get “their kind” of people elected.  Then they proceed to legislate our bedrooms, our uteruses, our morals and in fact our religious beliefs if ours happen to differ from theirs.  If you wrote this in a novel even five years ago it would have been called a fantasy.  Today we are living it. 

Additionally, most of these “righteous” religionists have forgotten their verities.  They don’t want to take care of the sick, the poor, the old, the hungry.  They rile against Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  According to them every person must be responsible for his/her own welfare or die - unless, of course, welfare is done by their churches.  It comes with pressure to convert and is funded by government money.

An interesting fact is that these same right wing political activists simply refuse to raise taxes on the income people make over a million dollars year.  We know that trickle down economics didn’t work for all of the Bush years.  There is no evidence that it ever worked.  But these right wingers take vows to Grover Nordquist NEVER to raise taxes.  And here we thought their oath was to listen to us, citizens who live under the United States Constitution.  Can we connect the dots from money to these fanatics and their legislators?  Could business play a part in the fervor of legislators and jurists who deem corporations people?

 What has happened to the honor of serving in Congress?  What has happened to  our personal freedom?  What has happened to separation of Church and State?  What had happen to Judeo/Christian values?  What has happened to the individual dignity of each human being, man or woman, once so prized in the United States?  The right wing is threatening to take down the very principles on which this country was founded.

Decide if you want to live in our America or their New World being sneaked into our laws by the right wing.  Eschew fear of terrorism; it leads to laws like the Patriot Act that abridge our freedoms.  Avoid fear of economic recession; they will sell you a worthless “better way”.  You will not like their New World.

America is a special place in the history of mankind.  Never has  there been a country offering such codified freedom.  When we got rid of the abomination of slavery, we were the first country that offered everyone upward mobility.  After the Second World War we developed a middle class never before seen in the world.  Do we really want to let these fanatics drag us back to the dark ages?