Thursday, November 3, 2011

Do we believe what we hear or what is published in City Hall records?

 At the League of Women Voters debate the Mayor assured us that he was well within his budget for outside legal services.  Commissioner Ivins supported his contention. 

It’s nearly impossible for the average citizen to find the exact amount of outside legal expenses as they are spread over different accounts in the City Attorney’s budget (office of the Mayor) and in the Account’s Office budget.  Here’s what’s available according to the Commissioner of Finance's published reports:

Cost of Outside Legal Services: 2009 – March 31, 2011

Year                Original Budget    Reported Actual Expenditure   Difference

2009                $175,000                $294,846                             +$119,846/+ 68%

2010                $150,000                 $209,735                             +$59,735/ +40%

2011 thru         $ 96,000                  $103,778                             + $ 7,778/ + 8%
March 31(1st quarter)                       (including encombrances)

TOTALS          $421,000                 $608,359                         ______________      

These costs are IN ADDITION to salaries and benefits paid to the city attorney and the assistant city attorney.  They DO NOT include regular legal costs such as assessment matters, non-payment of taxes, etc.

First Quarter of 2011

This year, 2011, the rate of expenditures on outside law firms seems to be even greater than the two previous years.  Commissioner Ivins notes in his first 2011 Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending March 31, 2011 that the mayor’s office had already exceeded its entire 2011 expenditure.  Through the end of March a total of $103,778 had been spent or encumbered and an additional $91,778 had already been transferred into the account.[1]   

[1] 2011 1st Quarterly Report, Finance Department, April 21, 2011

What is the truth?  It is time to change the team.  Wilkes, Madigan and Mathiesen will reopen our government to all citizens.

Vote on November 8th.  Polls are open from 6:00 AM until 9:00PM

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