Thursday, September 20, 2012

Check it out....

Mitt Romney's great grand-parents were born in England.  They came to the U.S. in response to Mormon missioneries sent to England by Brigham Young.  They were the poor underclass of the England of that period looking for a better life.  When polygamy was outlawed in the U.S. the Romney family went to Mexico to maintain their polygamous life style.  The Romney family became Mexican citizens.  How do we know?  Because during the Mexican revolution of 1907 the Romney's simply came back across the border to America.  However, they sued the Mexican government for confiscated property and won in excess of $9,000.  That was a lot of money at that time.  George Romney got his start with those moneys.  The Mexican government only gave reparations for confiscated property to  Mexican citizens so they nust have thought the Romney's were Mexican citizens.  And when the family left the U.S. Utah was only a territory not a state.   They couldn't have been dual naitonals as the U.S. didn't recognize dual nationality until the 1980's; the Mexican government didn't recognize dual nationality until the 1990's.  One question is how did George Romney run for President of the United States?

Of course, all of this is past history.  Mitt Romney was born in the U.S.  But he does keep close company with those who question President Obama's birth certificate. He also makes great capital out of the immigrant situation.  His first stance, "self deportation" was probably learned from his own ancesters.  He does seem ingenuous considering how his family slipped back and forth across the border depending on the exigencies of their polygamous proclivities against the dangers of a civil war. 

So the questions is who is Mitt Romney.  Even his definition of marriage begs the question.  He believes the definition of marriage is one man and one woman when his own history says marriage is between one man and a number of women.  If you're in your forty or more, you were born in a time when Mitt's religion believed black people were the decendents of Cain and G-d punished them by turning their skin black.  That's how Mitt was brought up;  he became an elder in that church.  Perhaps that is why he makes such outrageous statements about President Obama.

His latest alligation is that the President wants redistribution of wealth.  The word redistribution obfuscates.  Generaltions of Republicand and Democrats have supported the progressive tax rate that is nothing but the redistribution of wealth.  Everyone loves the Robin Hood story that is redistricution of wealth.  And if that isn't enough to show the sillyness of the accusation, all Judeo/Christian religions are based on caring for the poor, sick and infirm.  That is simply another form of redistribution of wealth.

Mitt Romney was for national health care with a mandate before he was against it.  He was for choice before he was against it.  He was for gay marriage before he was against it.  And his family was certainly for easy cross border immigration before Mitt was against it.  Mitt Romney wants smaller government but wants that small government to be in our bedrooms and in our wombs instead of watchdogging fraud and carelessness of our financial institutions and corporations.  Mitt Romney asks  G-d to bless America while he participates in sending our jobs overseas.  He wants to take away the "entitlements" of our social safety nets but he supports entitlement tax credits to large oil and farm corporations.  He also supports tax credits for companies who send jobs overseas.

As for Romney's famous 47% of Americans who don't pay taxes (he may be one of them), shame on him for looking down on our citizens.  Does he resent the veterans on food stamps or the students on grants or the retired living on social security for which they paid or the poor single mother who works two jobs to support her family? None of these people make enough to pay federal taxes.  However, they all pay payroll taxes and local and state taxes.  So Romney not only bad mouths our President but also the many hard working men and women who are not as priviledged and as successful as he.

Who is Mitt Romney?  Whom does he represent?  What does he represent?  Most people say the coming election is about jobs.  When President Obama took office the stock market was under 7,000.  It is now over 12,00.  Corporations have made more money than ever before in history.  Jobs are coming back albeit too slowly for most of us.  But Americans can live without instant gratification.  We can stay the course.  So the coming election is nmore about the kind of America we want.  Do we want an America when everyone is on their own, sink or swim?  Or do we want an Ameria where as a community we give each other a hand up so we can all have a chance for a better lie?  It is a simply choice this election season.  It's your choice.  But make sure that you do vote.  If you don't, someone else is making the choice for you and you can't complain.